For Students – Assignments & Genres

Reading often begins with identifying the genre. In order for a reader to effectively interpret how something was written, it helps if they know what they are about to read.

Writing, among other things, also routinely starts by identifying the genre or, in the case of a student, the assignment. In other words, the same line of reasoning applies: In order for a student to effectively know how to write, it helps if they know what they’re writing.

Below are a variety of links related to assignment and genre. Notice how these two words, assignment and genre, are being used as synonyms. That’s not always the case. Language is tricky, and often filled with contradiction and paradox. The examples below offer guidelines, but your instructor will provide more specific criteria. Pay close attention to these distinctions.


Literacy Narrative


Evaluation & Textual Analysis

Annotated Bibliography

Researched Argument

Remix Projects

Other Resources